Sunday, February 4, 2007

Blog 4

Leading a way to observational essay

I have chosen to do my observational piece on an Alter. An Alter is also known as a shrine to some. It holds our faith, our ancestors, and most important the deity to which we worship. I believe it is important to do my observational piece on this because it is important that people understand other culture and religion. In addition this will give other people an opportunity to broaden their knowledge about the way of Buddhism. There is a technique on how we place our Alter and how we setup up our Alter as you can read on one of Geocites web page.

Buddhism is a religion that originated from India and over many years has spread all over Asia including a vast majority of Vietnam. Buddhism also exist in America as Asian-Americans continue to carry on the same religion as their parents. It has a tremendous influence on my family and me. Buddhism all started by a man name Siddhartha Gautama. Siddhartha was a prince who one day sought to search for answers on human sufferings. He would sit for days without eating in search for inner truth on why we go through our daily routine of struggles and sufferings. He spent many restless nights under a tree in hope for the truth about human suffering. From this it was said that he became “enlightened”. Five major precepts of Buddhism are first is to respect all living organism, all beings have a right to their lives and that right should be respected. This does not apply to only human but also any other living organisms. Second, is to avoid stealing. One should avoid taking anything that does not belong to them. Third, is to avoid sexual misconduct. This precept is often mistranslated or misinterpreted as relating only to sexual misconduct but it covers any overindulgence in any sensual pleasure. Forth, is to refrain from false speech. This goes along with avoiding lying, deceiving, and slander. Finally, is to abstain from substances that cause intoxication and recklessness. These precepts are strictly followed by monks and nuns. I was taught these five precepts; but I don’t strictly follow it, I do try my best to follow some of it.

In Colorado alone, there are more than 10 Vietnamese Buddhist temple; 2 of which are in the Denver metro area. The Alter on which I will be doing my observational piece will be in a Temple of Federal St and Iliff avenue. Temple is unique and can be distinguish from other buildings in America in that the architect have very unique features as can be seen in one of the Temple in New York. The temple architect is influence by Asia. Most famous of these architect are located in Thailand, the temple in Thailand are usually tall and vibrant.

Within each Tempe there is an Alter. An Alter is a place where people can gather and pray. People come here to pray every Sunday in respect to all the deity; they come here to prey when there has been a death with the family in hope that their love one will be able to escape this realm and go on to a better one; they come here to pray in time of distress; and they come here to pray when they feel lost and need guidance.

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